Rotary Club of Niwot FAQ's
Q1. When and where does the Rotary Club of Niwot (RCN) Meet?
A1 = The Rotary Club of Niwot meets weekly, on Thursday mornings at 7:30AM to 8:30AM, in the Left Hand Grange #9 building, at 195 2nd Avenue, or 2nd Ave and Franklin Street in the town of Niwot, Colorado
Q2. Is there a RCN calendar of events and meeting speakers?
A2 = Yes, the RCN has a website found at ( There is a variety of information found on that site. A Club Calendar can be found there with information about events and meeting speakers.
Q3. What is the basic cost(s) or dues for the RCN?
A3 = The quarterly dues for the Rotary Club of Niwot (RCN) are currently set at $175 for 3 months or quarterly in the months of July, October, January and April. This $175 amount is to cover the required Rotary International Dues and the expense for providing breakfast at each Thursday morning meeting. Additional costs or voluntary payments to the Rotary Foundation are separate and on-top of the quarterly dues. This includes the popular voluntary contribution known as “Every Rotarian Every Year”.
Q4. What is the website called ClubRunner and how is it used by the RCN?
A4 = ClubRunner is an administration and communication software package that will enable clubs and districts to effectively: • Reach members • Improve communication between members • Better organize their club It is an online service comprised of powerful tools designed to: • Maintain your club data • Boost communications, and much more.
The ClubRunner site can be found online at (
Q5. How do I log in at ClubRunner?
A5 = All Rotary members will be issued a login name and password when join the RCN. The Login Username is comprised of the first “letter” of your first name + your last name + 6885. An example would be John Doe should use the log in username of (jdoe6885). The password that you are given by the Club must be changed when you log in the first time.
Q6. Generally speaking, as an RCN Member, what would I routinely use ClubRunner for?
A6 = The RCN ClubRunner site is very useful to routinely track your quarterly club membership payments, track your club attendance or access the rotary member’s email service. The email component of ClubRunner is a fast and simple way to generate email communications or notices with other Rotary Club members or groups of members.
More Q&A to come in upcoming eNewsletters!